is a collection of tools for your web development needs and insightful articles and tips.

Webmaster Forum Research - Tip 4
By Detective Thomas Shilling

You will be surprised at what you can discover from searching Webmaster Forums.
We assume you have already properly completed Steps 1-3 and your results indicate it's worthwhile to proceeded with this step.

If you plan any of the following:

1. Join and or start an affiliate program.
2. Purchase a site.
3. Purchase Webmaster centric goods and or services.
4. Purchase virtual or dedicated hosting.
5. Seeking advice from others. Paid or free.
6. Hire an employee.
7. Hire an independent contractor.

Run a search for the program, principals, company, or screen name on the following Webmaster Forums. Each of the following links opens in a new window.

Truth or fiction?

Each of these Forums has a different standard of Quality and may or may not examine each post. You need to consider this along with the fact that some mixed results are normal. Having said this, we have seen and caught some of the largest scam artists, abusers, Spam Kings, flamers, and undesirables using this simple technique. We have also used these Forums to confirm a well respected company and or service.

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